about pebble rock golf & Busheveld estate

Our Mission

To become the most exclusive golf and bushveld estate in Gauteng and then South Africa.

Our passion for golf, combined with our love for the bushveld and it’s wildlife, drives our actions and steps toward becoming the most exclusive golf and bushveld estate in Gauteng.

Exclusive Experiences

Our Golf course offers challenging obstacles, there is water along the way and our rough is tough.

We have multiple species of antelope and birds for the wild life enthusiast. Our bushveld rough is habitat to so many creatures, from leguan, snakes and other smaller creatures. With the Roodeplaat dam not too far away, we have the pleasure of witnessing the Fish Eagle fly over from time to time and the Kingfishers love the water on the golf course. The ponds are home to bass and carp, where the kids like to fish after golf is finished for the day.

Our Core Values

Appreciate the luxury of nature and the challenge of the golf course! Exclusive experiences are what we strive for. Quality living, competitive play and appreciation for the bushveld experience.


Pebble Rock golf & country club sponsors